Kareem, 20, was one of 13 soldiers who were assisting with managing the departure of thousands of Americans and Afghan partners; nonetheless, they were killed by an ISIS-K self destruction plane external the Kabul air terminal.


Kareem’s dad, Steve Nikoui, was in finished shock and didn’t think about his child’s demise until the Marines displayed at his entryway.

He said Kareem consistently needed to be a marine. He was born that very year the conflict began and died with the finish of the conflict. He had similar idea as his significant other and faulted Biden for their child’s demise.

Karem Nikoui’s mom Shana Chappell had her Instagram and Facebook accounts eliminated from the stage last week.

Her records were eliminated after she straightforwardly censured President Biden for her child’s passing, revealed New York Post. Chappell asserted President Biden was liable for her child’s passing.

She said Biden betrayed her child and different soldiers and left them to die. She took to Instagram to publically decry the president and said he has the blood of 13 saints in his grasp.

Following the expulsion of her Instagram account, she took to Facebook to guarantee how the web-based media hailed her a while old posts. They sent her admonitions that her record could be eliminated as a result of it.

She further guaranteed it’s conceivable Facebook might be the following one to boycott her yet she will not stay quiet and will keep on representing her child.

She guided a searing post to Biden on Facebook yesterday, where she considered him a frail person and a swindler. She faulted him for Kareem’s demise and said he affronted the dead by checking his watch a few times when they were being removed the plane.

He was a baby on 9/11. Now he’s one of the last casualties of America’s longest war. https://t.co/gvhQbxVHIF @nytimes

— Jack Hutton 🇺🇸 (@jackhutton) August 28, 2021

The unexpected expulsion of Shana Chappell’s Instagram and Facebook accounts got the attention of many. Be that as it may, her record seemed dynamic starting at Tuesday morning.

Facebook apologized for the error and has since reestablished her record. They expressed Ms. Chappell’s accolade for her brave child doesn’t disregard Facebook’s approaches and affirmed her record was erroneously erased.

At this point, Chappell’s Instagram is dynamic under the handle name @socalangel7272, where she has effectively gathered 2,880 adherents.