The game has already been well received by the Square Enix Collective community, earning itself 95% positive feedback from their forum. So the developers are taking to Kickstarter to get the game well and truly off the ground. With 20 days still to go, the game is already halfway to achieving its €80,000 goal.

Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King sees a character called The Wanderer journey through the realm of Hypnos as he tries to rediscover his lost memories and piece together what has happened to the shattered lands.

All beings in the World are born silent and are equipped with masks that denote their personality. There are no names, apart from ones granted by King – so your actions define what you are called. The Whisperers are the only beings that are able to talk, and it is one of these Whisperers that guides you through the world and speaks on your behalf.

The game aims to release in 2018 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. It is currently going through the Steam Greenlight system as well, so if you like what you read here, consider heading over and giving it a thumbs up too!

There is still a while to go until the game releases, so make sure you check back with GameSkinny to keep yourself informed all the game’s latest news!