He likewise alluded to it as a HIV shot which will gradually end individuals’ life.


Many individuals were eased in the wake of learning the fix for example antibody for the Covid-19 and thought that the long-running pandemic would be over sooner rather than later.

Yet, with the arise of new discoveries and examination in regards to the results of those enemy of Coronavirus punches, individuals are maneuvered into more confounded and ambiguous considerations.

It’s acceptable if the finds are positive yet consider the possibility that it, thus, brings adverse outcomes. Similar negative discoveries are investigated by Shaun Brooks in the general population.

Dr. Shaun Brooks is a Ph.D. holder from esteemed Oxford University.

Shaun Brooks has no presence on the Wikipedia page regardless of being viral from his Covid against antibody video.

In any case, the Oxford alum has himself enrolled on different marked web-based interfaces because of his video which is right now creating a ruckus.

As to bio, the specialist has studied wellbeing medication, physiology, and life structures for around 21 years.

Dr. Shaun Brooks has clarified the adverse results of the Covid antibody on pregnant ladies and furthermore individuals.

Creeks expressed that 80% of ladies who took the immunization have prematurely delivered in their first trimester according to Bitchute. That is not all, he additionally told that the infused ladies can not have children and can’t perform breastfeeding, give blood, plasma, organs, and so on

— Consciousness Evolution Movement (CEM) (@coevmo) August 19, 2021

As said by him in the video, the mRNA antibody, which represents courier ribonucleic corrosive, weighs many disservices instead of advantages. He told that individuals who have taken the pokes will die in the following a half year to three to five years.

Dr. Shaun Brooks recorded 3 explanations behind the demise of Coronavirus inoculated individuals in his viral video.

Also, this is on the grounds that the antibody diminishes the invulnerability force of individuals by 35%. In the wake of taking those dosages, if soon, if any immunized individuals use influenza shots, they will right away die on the spot according to Brooks.

The following explanation is antibodies lead to organs disappointment and furthermore blood coagulating. To put it plainly, the blood of inoculated individuals is poisonous. To cause the audiences to trust in his hypothesis and talks, Brooks additionally advised them to do a D-dimer test to check the immaculateness level of their blood.