The game is deliberately weird and uncomfortable and seems to be a satire of many of the various “simulator” games that have been out of control in recent years. The developers seem to have made the game as a joke as even the “official trailer” has steam messages popping up and interrupting the video. The game is priced at a modest $0.99 and, for what you get from the game, that seems to be a fair price.

The gameplay is fast paced and repetitive as you play a child who must match yourself with the right dad in the shower an infinite number of times until you mess up. The game will add new obstacles such as soap that the child can slip on if not avoided. While this may get old fast, there are also other more complex game modes such as “Match the Dad” and “Dad Division.”

Basically, if you have a dollar that you are not too attached to, pick up this game if not just so your friends on Steam can sit and think to themselves “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU PLAYING?”